Areas of Practice
Below is an overview of the legal practice areas that DELISI & ASSOCIATES provides. DELISI & ASSOCIATES is a Boutique law firm serving both individuals and businesses alike. We have been serving Southeastern Michigan since 1992 and aim to provide the same convenient quality service that has made us a leader. If at anytime, while you are browsing through our site, you have a question related to any of our services don't hesitate to call us at (248) 620-0080 or send us an e-mail at info@rddelisilaw.com
Probate Administration
Probate Administration is a court-supervised process of validating or establishing distribution of assets of a decedent including payment of outstanding obligations.
Estate Planning, Administration and Asset Protection
Our services include the preparation of wills, revocable and irrevocable trusts, generation- skipping trust (dynasty trusts) and charitable trusts as well as advice on charitable and family gifting and custom design programs for the transfer and protection of asset. Estate plans are designed to fit the specific circumstances of each client, including protecting retirement plan assets and planning for the transition of closely held businesses to the next generation.
Special Needs Trusts and Wills
We are experienced in preparation of Special Needs Trusts (SNT) and Wills for individuals with special needs. We can help to provide long-term financial security, and a responsible disbursement of assets through the drafting of Wills and Trusts. As a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) my unique understanding of law and accounting can assist clients in need and assist and best determine how to maximize deductions without compromising estates and trusts.
Estate and Trust Administration
Trust administration involves overseeing the assets held within a trust. A trust is a form of legal property ownership in which an ownership interest in real or personal property can be split. Trusts are commonly created as an estate planning tool, and the trust administrator then oversees the distribution of assets within the trust according to the wishes of its creator. We are able to advise trustees on their duties pertaining to various trusts and on how to make appropriate distributions.
Elder Care
We can help with both long term care issues and other legal issues including powers of attorney and patient advocate designations, or filing for guardianship or conservatorship to name decision makers for your loved one, thereby ensuring that his or her best interests are being met.
Corporate and Business / Transactional Law
We provide expert guidance in selecting the appropriate form of entity for you to conduct your business, register the entity where required, and assist in complying with federal, state and local laws. We provide counsel to companies in strategic planning, labor and personnel issues, financing, licensing, contract, tax deferred compensation, negotiation and drafting employment agreements, stock options, deferred compensation and other compensation and benefit plans.
Real Estate
Negotiation, analysis and structuring of and preparation of documentation for commercial, industrial and residential real estate transactions along with assisting with creative financing solutions.
Commercial/ Employment Law
We provide ongoing counsel with regard to specific employment issues including the drafting of personal policies and procedures, employment agreements, employment applications, confidentiality and noncompete agreements, severance and termination agreements, and other employment document.
Mining and Natural Resources in the Energy Industry
We represent operators, lessees, and claimants regarding development and operations issues involving oil and gas, hardrock and non-energy minerals, and related rights on private lands throughout the country.
Non-Profit Entities
We can assist not-for-profit organizations, including 501(c)(3) organizations, public charities, private foundations, and religious and public service organizations. We help nonprofit clients with every important issue related to starting a non-profit organization, and securing and maintaining their tax exemptions, including organizational structure, regulatory compliance, and corporate governance issues that involve fiduciary duties and officer-director liability.
Main Office
CONFERENCE FACILITY5700 Crooks Road, Suite 440(Just South of Square Lake Road)Troy, Michigan
7640 DIXIE HIGHWAY, Suite 120
Telephone: (248) 620-0080
Facsimile (248) 620-1456
CONFERENCE FACILITY5700 Crooks Road, Suite 440(Just South of Square Lake Road)Troy, Michigan